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Dehydrated Mexica Key lime juice

Dehydrated Mexica Key lime juice

Morelia – MéxicoFacebook
Alimentación > BEBIDAS, refrescos, vino, cerveza, ginebra, autóctonas, APPS...

• 100% natural dehydrated Mexican key Lime juice.
• Standardized concentration and flavor for beverages and foods.
• Devoid of fermentation or sourness.
• Once hydrated, the flavor, consistency and quality are maintained for up to 5 days.
• Waste reduction.
• Sell-by date in storage or shelf: one year.
• Reduces costs compared to natural lime, by cutting back the purchasing level in natural lime market.
• Significant reduction in waste and direct labor cost, enhancing the product return since the person in charge of the squeezing doesn’t get all the juice of natural lime.
• Better and higher inventory control, in storage and without the need of refrigeration.

Great versatility in preparing different dishes.
Natural Vitamin C source.
An excellent option to prepare cocktails with optimal performance.

A Ziploc packet with a metering cup presentation is offered for institutions and food service market.

The product is presented in practical metallic three-ply paper packet, guaranteeing the protection of the product against sun and other contaminants.

Corporatvo Swissco, S.A. de C.V.
Caballero Alto 26 Int. 22 Col. Chapultepec Sur CP 58260
Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico phone: 01(443) 324 52 27

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Dehydrated Mexica Key lime juice
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